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- updated 2023-02-24 -

Vespa velutina Lepeletier, 1836

Vespa velutina; Foto: Sirinee Poonchaisri
Image: Sirinee Poonchaisri

Head, thorax and gaster with soft erected hairs and usually very long on the head and thorax. Head : vertex and frons brownish red, temple orange, compound eyes dark brown, ocelli pale brown, antenae dark brown, paler underneath; clypeus orange, fine punctures, lightly convex, posterior side with nearly straight lobes, mandibles dark brown with black tooth. Pronotum dark brown, mesonotum black, scutellum orange with medial longitudinally impressed line, convex and somewhat prominent, the postscutellum and propodeum vertical, dark velvety brown or black. Legs : femur of forelegs dark brown, tibia and tarsi brownish yellow, femur and tibia of midlegs and hindlegs dark brown or black, all the the tarsi bright yellow. Wings flavo-hyaline, the costal and upper part of the medial cell in the forewing dark brown, tegulae dark brown. Gaster : the first and second segment dark brown with orange narrowed margin at apex, the third segment orange, with an irregular black marking in the middle, the rest entirely orange. The species is very similar to Vespa affinis but the first and second gastral tergite dark brown with narrow orange margin posteriorly. Body length 15-22 mm.

More information - Vespa velutina in France - here (in German)


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